If you're like me you love to shop and save money, and get the best deals you can find. If so, I'm sure you're going to love this! You can own your own Power Mall to shop and save from. Your Power Mall includes over 1,000 of your favorite stores!
Your Power Mall, and everything contained within it is FREE!
The idea is genius! Ginny Dye's the CEO's motto is: "Harnessing the Power of Online Spending to Change Lives."
You simply sign up and receive a free shopping mall which you get to name. Click my link, it takes you straight to my mall "Bargain Shopping" You'll see the title in the top right corner. You never sell anything.
Plus not only can you shop at your own mall but you can earn extra money by telling others about it and giving them their own mall to shop from. And to top it off, you earn rebates on YOUR purchases, and you earn rebates from EVERY person who purchases from their mall that is on your team.
Note: This is NOT a get rich quick scheme. It is a real business, and if you put the in the time and effort to tell as many people as you can, use the FREE tools to print flyers, and tell your family and friends through the free e-cards, you WILL not only save money, but achieve financial freedom, through this website alone! This is my ultimate goal, and I'm getting there!!
You have nothing to lose from getting your own mall! The stores are ones you probably shop at online anyway!! Like Target, K-Mart, Sears, Lane Bryant, Drugstore.com, Macy's, Sephora, Old Navy, Gap, KBToys, Officemax, Home Depot, Starbucks, ebags, etc. They even have a giftcard emporium where you can buy giftcards from over 300 stores! There's also a website called MagsforLess where you literally can pick up a subscription to, let's say, Woman's Day magazine, for $4.99/yr!!
I'm not kidding. There are MANY other titles.
Be proud to share this with everyone. You are not selling anything to anyone. It's giving them, for FREE, the chance to have their own business to save money and become financially free! The income potential is UNLIMITED!!! PLEASE CLICK ON THE BANNER BELOW, and it'll take you there. Choose either a personal mall (to earn rebates for your own shopping ONLY) or business mall (to become financially free) and watch the 10 minute movie. I promise you that you will email me to thank me, and that your life will begin to change!
Oh I almost forgot to mention that any purchase made through any mall goes to support Ginny's "One Child at A Time" Program, which sponsors one child at a time and their family to get them the supplies and meet the needs to imporove their quality of life? Have you ever heard of a more amazing opportunity?
My Power Mall is non-profit, and listed with the BBB.